Meals should contain a balance of "healthy" carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and liquids in order to provide the necessary nutrients to be healthy.
Healthy Carbohydrates include many bright, colorful and green, leafy vegetables, some dark, colorful fruits, beans, and some specific organic whole grains (but, not wheat bread!).

Healthy Proteins include cold-water fish, nuts/seeds, legumes, fermented soy, organic dairy, lean animal meats (i.e. chicken, turkey, organic beef), wild animal meat (i.e. bison, ostrich, deer).
Note: If you are concerned about the mercury in fish, eat smaller fish or take an Omega-3 supplement.
Healthy Fats include plant oils, and the oil in nuts/seeds and cold-water fish. But avoid clear vegetable oils and canola oil!
Healthy Liquids include filtered water, raw vegetable juices; some raw fruit juices; specific teas; green smoothies and, some of the organic bottled juices.
Reference: Death to Diabetes Website
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