some people have started eating properly and exercising on a consistent
basis, they find that they reach a “wall” and either are unable to
lower their blood glucose level below a certain point or lose more
weight. In most cases, this is due to the body’s toxic load preventing
metabolism and energy production. For the people who are not eating
properly and exercising on a consistent basis, their toxic load is
definitely affecting their health and preventing metabolism and energy
is a set of normal biochemical processes performed by the body to
prevent and fight disease on a continual basis and to keep the body as
healthy as possible.
This cleansing/detoxification is optimized when we eat healthy foods the majority of the time.

in our fast-paced world it can be difficult to find the time to prepare
healthy meals, especially, given the easy availability and
accessibility of convenience and fast foods. Unfortunately, our bodies
pay a heavy toll for eating unhealthy convenience foods, fast foods, and
processed foods.
compound the problem, our bodies are also bombarded with chemicals and
pollutants on a daily basis from the air, water and environment. Under
this heavy barrage of toxins, the cells become sick and the human body
eventually reaches a point where it is no longer capable of flushing
toxins and acid waste on its own. As the toxins and acid waste
accumulate in the cells, blood, tissues, and organs, they trigger an
increase in inflammation, the formation of pathogenic bacteria, fungus
and mold, and lead to a state of poisoning commonly referred to as
symptoms of toxicity include headaches, fatigue, increased allergy
symptoms, overall aches and pains (particularly joint pain), and
digestive discomfort. These symptoms occur when the body has become so
clogged with toxins that it can no longer perform necessary functions
are generally acquired in one of three ways: through things we ingest
(such as foods, drinks, drugs, etc.); through external sources (such as
the air we breath, radiation, environmental chemicals, etc.); and,
internally by the body’s own metabolic processes. 

the past decade, extensive research has found that if the body’s
detoxification system is sluggish, toxins will accumulate, slowing down
cellular energy production, increasing the number of tissue-damaging
free radicals, and putting a strain on our gastrointestinal system,
including the pancreas (which provides digestive enzymes to break down the food).
Note: Cleansing, detoxing, and nourishing the pancreas is important, especially for Type 1 diabetics. Refer to Chapters 8, 9 and 15 for more details.
addition, pathogenic bacteria continue to multiply faster than the
immune system can kill them and remove their debris, creating an
overloading and clogging of the lymphatic system and various organs.
can eventually lead to various systemic diseases/ailments such as
chronic fatigue, weight gain, high blood sugar, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, and Alzheimer’s.
In the meantime, the body’s detoxification and excretory organs (e.g.
colon, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system) struggle to
effectively remove the toxins, excess glucose, and acid waste.

The liver
is the primary organ that performs the detoxification. The liver
accomplishes this by using specific enzymes to transform the toxins into
intermediate chemicals; and, other enzymes to transform the
intermediate chemicals into harmless water-soluble substances that are
then excreted in the bile or urine. But, if the liver becomes sluggish,
clogged, or impaired, these toxins can begin to accumulate in the body’s
tissues and blood.
it is very important that the liver is kept as healthy as possible.
Ironically, when we don’t feel well, we take an over-the-counter or
prescription drug, which is toxic and only puts more stress on an
already deteriorating liver and suppresses the symptoms, making us think
we’re okay.

The colon
(or large intestine) is important to cleansing and detoxification
because it removes the unwanted fecal waste and other toxins. Discomfort
in the colon usually manifests itself as something such as diarrhea or
our response to this is usually a drug, such as a laxative, to “force”
the elimination of the fecal waste. But many of the other toxins are
left behind and reabsorbed into the bloodstream attacking the tissues
and organs, and producing their own pathogenic bacteria that attack the
body’s weakest points. These attacks manifest themselves in the form of
aches and pain in the back, joints, stomach, and head, and, then onto
the other tissues and organs. This leads to more discomfort and more
drugs, followed by more diseases, stronger drugs, hospital visits, and
eventually death – unless the toxins are removed.

The kidneys are
important to cleansing and detoxification because they filter the blood
(210 quarts a day) by eliminating toxins and waste materials from the
blood, and for maintaining the electrolyte balance by selectively
eliminating some electrolytes while retaining others, according to the
body’s needs.
Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride. These electrolytes are important because they are used by the cells to maintain voltages across the cell membranes and carry electrical impulses (e.g. nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells. The kidneys also help regulate other bodily functions by secreting the hormones renin, erythropoietin, and prostaglandin. Renin helps control blood pressure, erythropoietin stimulates the body to produce more red blood cells, and prostaglandin helps control blood pressure, muscle contractions, and inflammation.
Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride. These electrolytes are important because they are used by the cells to maintain voltages across the cell membranes and carry electrical impulses (e.g. nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells. The kidneys also help regulate other bodily functions by secreting the hormones renin, erythropoietin, and prostaglandin. Renin helps control blood pressure, erythropoietin stimulates the body to produce more red blood cells, and prostaglandin helps control blood pressure, muscle contractions, and inflammation.
high levels of glucose in the blood and the accumulation of acids in
the kidneys cause the formation of kidney stones and ultimately cause
kidney cells to die. Because kidney cells cannot be regenerated or
repaired, the remaining cells have to work that much harder to filter
substances from the blood. To help with the filtering process, the heart
increases the flow of blood plasma to the kidneys, which in turn
elevates blood pressure. As the kidney cells continue to die, the risk
of kidney failure increases dramatically.

The lymphatic system
is also important to cleansing and detoxification. As the blood
circulates, providing nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, the
lymphatic system accumulates dead bacteria and toxins that need to be
removed. Lymphatic vessels are situated intricately alongside blood
vessels, relying upon body movement to move the lymph fluid around to
collect and drain away toxins and dead bacteria through the lymph nodes
and skin (pores).
the colon, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and other body systems are
working properly, the body will cleanse and detoxify itself to get rid
of the toxins. 

And, as long as the body is provided with the proper nutrients, the body will continue to cleanse and detoxify itself.
if you have a systemic degenerative disease/ailment such as diabetes,
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, indigestion, or
constipation, then, your body and its cells are sick and full of toxins,
and are unable to cleanse and detoxify properly. 

Consequently, you will need to help your body perform the cleansing and detoxification.
There are several ways to help your body with cleansing and detoxification:
- Consume superior nutrition, i.e. "live" super foods
- Avoid the "dead" processed foods
- Juicing: drink raw vegetable juices (get the Juicing ebook)
- Exercise
- Sauna
- Herbal therapy
- Spirituality
Eating “live” super foods
is one of the best ways to help your body with the cleansing and
detoxification until your body is healthy enough to perform the
cleansing and detoxification on its own. 

If you want to further accelerate the detoxification process, you should drink at least 2 cups of raw vegetable juices
(with 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed or wheat grass powder), followed by 2
cups of filtered water at least 2 times each day. Within a few days you
should notice an increase in your regularity (bowel movements) and a
better texture of your fecal waste. 

depending on your health state, within two to three weeks you should
notice an increase in your energy level and a reduction in your cravings
for the “dead” processed foods. These are indicators that your body is
cleansing and detoxifying itself and initiating the healing process.
further accelerate this healing, and depending on the severity of your
health state, it may be necessary to use wholefood supplements to help nourish the colon, liver, gall bladder, lymph nodes, and kidneys.

It may be also be necessary to use organic
herbal products to nourish the colon, liver, gall bladder, lymph nodes,
and kidneys while protecting them from oxidative damage during the
cleansing/detoxification process.
Exercising on a consistent basis is another way to help accelerate the cleansing/detox process.
Why is cleansing/detoxification necessary? Let’s
take a car that has not had an oil change or engine tune-up and has
been running on cheap fuel for several years. If you switch from the
cheap fuel to a higher-octane “super” fuel, the car may run a little
better, but it will still run sluggish. Once you change the oil and air
filters and tune up the engine, the car will run even better. The same
principle applies to the human body – if you clean the filters (the
kidneys and liver), then, this will help them to remove the buildup of
toxins and waste and kill the pathogenic bacteria and parasites so that
the body will run better.
you are overweight by more than 20 pounds, more than likely, you are
carrying as much as ten pounds of fecal matter packed in your colon.

you are also struggling with high cholesterol or high blood pressure,
then, your body is carrying extra fluid/waste in your cells and tissues.
cleansing the liver and kidneys, your body’s primary filters, will help
the body to better release this extra fluid/waste.
This will thin out the blood, hydrate cells, break down fats, absorb protein, convert glycogen to glucose, turn on the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and, in most cases, lower blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, glucose levels, and body weight.
This will thin out the blood, hydrate cells, break down fats, absorb protein, convert glycogen to glucose, turn on the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and, in most cases, lower blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, glucose levels, and body weight.
Reference: Death to Diabetes Website
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